
Making real tea with cold water

Usables GmbH in Düsseldorf has come up with a real tea that does without
hot water

Anyone looking for a fruity and
refreshing thirst-quencher on hot summer days need look no further.
Making this tea couldn't be simpler. You just pour cold water onto the
teabag. The water can flow straight out of the tap onto the bag. The tea
draws in cold water and develops its full flavour nonetheless. A
refreshing drink is ready in about 8 minutes, so your tea is ready for
drinking in next to no time without time-consuming and awkward
preparation. The flavours – Cherry-Cranberry and Apple & Vitamin C –
taste natural and distinctly refreshing, says the tea figures'
originator. But Usables does not stop here, for the product's main
attraction is its "cool tea figures". "Fastened to the lip of the
cup, these figures are likeable and amusing and are certain to put a
smile on the tea imbiber's face as well. If, say, the tea figure is used
as an advertising giveaway, the giver will make a lasting and fun
impression on the customer,"
says Usables CEO Oliver Plantenberg.

The teas have a lot going for them in terms of health benefits. For how
quickly do we reach for an ice tea or sickly lemonade without thinking
of the sugar content? All the teas therefore come with an unsweetened
fruit flavour. A 200 ml cup of Cherry-Cranberry has only 5 Kcal, and is
also free of artificial sweeteners. 2 cups of tea cover half the daily
recommended intake of vitamin C. These teas not only taste different,
but are also far better for you than conventional thirst-quenching


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